Dein Trainer!

Romano Lemannsky

R. ist seit über 20 Jahren im Video-, Film- und TV-Business tätig. Der ausgebildete Sportlehrer ETH hat in Los Angeles Film studiert und dort auch im Bereich Visual Effects bei namhaften Hollywood-Produktionen mitgewirkt. Danach arbeitete er sieben Jahre bei SRF als Multimedia- und Videoproduzent. 2014 gründete er ident pictures, eine Videoagentur in Zürich, wo er als Produzent, Kameramann, Editor und Motion-Designer tätig ist.

Sein breites Wissen in Film, TV und Corporate Video vermittelt R. schon seit 2013. Als offizieller Adobe Instruktor unterrichtet er Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop und Illustrator an diversen Hochschulen und berät zahlreiche Firmen. Seit Ende 2017 ist er Teilhaber von Studio 1 und verantwortlich für das Kurswesen.
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Das sagen unsere Studierenden!

feedbacks zu Romano

"Everything was clear and I am now following the protocol recommended by the school. The entire process has been efficient, smooth and the team has been very responsive throughout."
Nick Davis
"They had many different subjects I could study and options to learn new skills and hone old ones. There were many challenges to try, and the student project resources they offered were superb."
Jenna Bright
"Armed with the knowledge and techniques obtained from your school, I feel more equipped to navigate the challenging social aspects of the real world and become a professional in my field of choice."
Sue Porter
"The courses provide good knowledge and the staff is approachable and able to cater to our understanding without any compromise on the standards, regulations and guidelines. I would recommend taking up this course with them as it is a necessity to learn professional skills."
John Doe
I received my certificate, and I would like to thank you for your continuous support. The courses were challenging, but my instructors were always there supporting me and ready to help. I enjoyed the classes tremendously.
Nick Dawson
"I would definitely recommend your school to anyone hoping to pursue a career and be a professional. The support they provided to their students was simply outstanding and the genuine interest and care was obvious and incomparable."
Kate Doe
"The courses provide good knowledge and the staff is approachable and able to cater to our understanding without any compromise on the standards, regulations and guidelines. I would recommend taking up this course with them as it is a necessity to learn professional skills."
John Doe
I received my certificate, and I would like to thank you for your continuous support. The courses were challenging, but my instructors were always there supporting me and ready to help. I enjoyed the classes tremendously.
Nick Dawson
"I would definitely recommend your school to anyone hoping to pursue a career and be a professional. The support they provided to their students was simply outstanding and the genuine interest and care was obvious and incomparable."
Kate Doe
Deine persönlichen Begleiter!


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Dexter Cox
Senior product manager
Online learning and training have become an essential part of our society. LearnWorlds is one of the top platforms to create and sell online courses.
Dexter Cox
Senior product manager
Online learning and training have become an essential part of our society. LearnWorlds is one of the top platforms to create and sell online courses.
Dexter Cox
Senior product manager
Online learning and training have become an essential part of our society. LearnWorlds is one of the top platforms to create and sell online courses.
Dexter Cox
Senior product manager
Online learning and training have become an essential part of our society. LearnWorlds is one of the top platforms to create and sell online courses.
Dexter Cox
Senior product manager
Online learning and training have become an essential part of our society. LearnWorlds is one of the top platforms to create and sell online courses.
Dexter Cox
Senior product manager
Online learning and training have become an essential part of our society. LearnWorlds is one of the top platforms to create and sell online courses.
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